Furthering Ecumenical Cooperation within Leicester and Leicestershire

To CTE Presidents, Member Churches, members of CTE's Enabling Group, County and National Ecumenical Officers/contact people and CTE staff

Churches Together in England is delighted to announce the appointment of two new incoming Presidents.   

Archbishop Nikitas, of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Archdiocese of Thyateira and the United Kingdom, will be our new Orthodox President.   

Bishop Tedroy Powell of the Church of God of Prophecy, will be our new Pentecostal and Charismatic President – having been elected by the Pentecostal and Charismatic Forum within CTE as their next Moderator and President.   

The new Presidents, who will take office in September, succeed Archbishop Angaelos of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of London and Pastor Agu Irukwu, leader of Jesus House RCCG in north London, and until recently the leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in the UK. 

Archbishop Angaelos and Pastor Agu have been tireless in their commitment to the work of the CTE Presidency, and we thank them for their service in the cause of ecumenism among the churches in England.   

CTE General Secretary, Rev Dr Paul Goodliff, says, "Following in the footsteps of Archbishop Angaelos and Pastor Agu is no small challenge! They have both served the Presidency wonderfully well, but I am convinced that Archbishop Nikitas and Bishop Tedroy will more than meet that challenge.  

 "Although Archbishop Nikitas is relatively new to his appointment as Archbishop to the principally Greek community in England, arriving in 2019 from California, every time I have met him, I have grown in my appreciation of his many gifts – his ecumenical commitment and his passion for the mission of the church.   

“Similarly with Bishop Tedroy, whose recent promoting of vaccine uptake among his own Church of God of Prophecy has been inspirational. He has played a full part in CTE’s Pentecostal and Charismatic Forum and I know him to be a person of deep faith and generous ecumenical commitment.”  

 Bishop Tedroy Powell represents the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. Of his new role at CTE he says, “It is an honour, great privilege and a truly humbling experience to be selected to serve as one of the six presidents of Churches Together in England.  

 “As the Pentecostal and Charismatic President-elect, I congratulate Pastor Agu Irukwu, current incumbent, who has built on the foundations of his predecessors... It is my aspiration and prayer that I can contribute the gifts, leadership experience and collaborative graces that God has bestowed upon me to fruition, in this sphere, as we serve the ecclesia of God, and our country in these uncertain times and seasons.” 

 Archbishop Nikitas represents the Eastern Orthodox churches (which alternate with the Oriental Orthodox churches to nominate a President to represent all Orthodox).  Of his new role at CTE he says, "Now more than ever before, our world is in need of faith in action, and only through our own example will society experience the power of the message of salvation. Our world desires a “culture of solidarity” among all people, and most especially, among Christian sisters and brothers.”  

 The new Presidents will take up office in September, to later be joined by another new President in April 2022 – Rev Helen Cameron, Methodist Chair of the Northampton District – who will be succeeding Rev Dr Hugh Osgood, the current Free Church President and Moderator of the Free Churches Group, of which Helen Cameron is the Moderator-elect.  

 For the full story see the CTE website   

Notes:   CTE is represented by six Presidents from the major traditions of our 51 Member Churches. They meet regularly to discuss matters concerning the Churches in England, and together seek to serve as a sign of our unity. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, also hold this role. The Fourth Presidency is currently not enacted. This follows a request by CTE’s Enabling Group in November 2019, reflecting the lack of agreement within the churches in England regarding aspects of theological and moral discernment.  

CTE’s General Secretary Rev Dr Paul Goodliff says: "We continue to pray and work for greater understanding of the reasons for the challenge that the appointment of Hannah Brock Womack as President of the Fourth Presidency Group in 2018 posed to some of the Member Churches of CTE, and are grateful for the gracious restraint exercised by both Hannah and the churches in that Group, which Hannah chairs. 

A task for the new Presidency team will be to listen with the help of the Spirit to the continuing challenges posed by this situation, and not least to the Fourth Presidency Group itself, and to model at all times the commitment to disagree well and with grace and patience, as befits the ‘household of God.’”   Kind regards, Lorraine   Lorraine Shannon Operations Manager Churches Together in England 27 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HH Tel:   020 7529 8131 / 07342 997394 

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The Bill Snelsdon Young Ecumenists Fund is now open for applications.

A new fund which will help young adults – aged 18 to 35 – to experience ecumenism outside England is now open for applications. This experience can be study, pilgrimage, volunteering, or any activity that promotes church unity.



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