Furthering Ecumenical Cooperation within Leicester and Leicestershire

Churches Together in England (CTE) is the national ecumenical instrument supporting and encouraging churches from a wide range of traditions to work together in unity.

CTE brings together 52 national Member Churches. With churches drawn from the Anglican, Catholic, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Orthodox and Lutheran traditions, as well as Free Churches, Quakers and others. CTE unites one of the broadest range of churches in the whole of Europe.

Read more about CTE. CTE Forum takes place every three years. It was postponed from 2021 due the Coronavirus pandemic.

Statement from Churches Together in the Merseyside Region (CTMR) Church Leaders following Southport Incident

To CTE Member Churches, Enabling Group representatives, County and National Ecumenical Officers and contact people


Dear friends,

Please join us in prayer following the horror of Monday's attack in Southport. Our sympathies are with these families as they come to terms with this loss of life and innocence.

Statement from CTMR Church Leaders: Southport incident 30/07/2024

As church leaders, and on behalf of those we represent, we share with others across our communities our sense of shock, sadness and horror at the events which took place in Southport on 29th July. Life is a precious gift, and for it to be taken from children so young is truly heartbreaking. We offer our sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of all of those whose lives have been lost. We pray for those who remain critically ill and injured. We hold everyone affected by this awful event in our hearts and our prayers, and call upon people of all faiths and none to come together to support them in whatever way we can. We express our thanks to the members of the emergency services and to the medical professionals for their commitment and service in the face of this of this horrific attack. We commit ourselves afresh to standing against brutality and violence in every form and doing all we can to build safe, caring and strong communities.


Link to a short prayer: https://www.nwba.org.uk/southp...


Revd Dr Sheryl Anderson – Chair, Liverpool Methodist District

Rt Revd Julie Conalty - Bishop of Birkenhead

Revd Geoff Felton – Moderator, Mersey Synod, The United Reformed Church

The Very Revd Dr Sue Jones, Dean of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral

Revd Phil Jump – Chair, Churches Together in Merseyside and Regional Minister, North West Baptist Association

Rt Revd Beverley A Mason, Bishop of Warrington

Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP – Archbishop of Liverpool

Rt Rev Tom Neylon - Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Canon Tony O’Brien, Dean of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Rt Revd Dr John Perumbalath – Bishop of Liverpool

Major David Taylor – District Commander, Salvation Army North West Division 

Latest newsletter -July 2024

To CTE Presidents, Trustees, Member Churches, members of CTE's Enabling Group, County and National Ecumenical Officers/contact people and CTE staff


A new fund which will help young adults – aged 18 to 35 – to experience ecumenism outside England is now open for applications. This experience can be study, pilgrimage, volunteering, or any activity that promotes church unity.


The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund has been set up by Churches Together in England and the Snelson family in memory of Bill Snelson. A dedicated ecumenist, he was General Secretary of Churches Together England from 1997 to 2008.


Engaging with young ecumenists is a key priority for CTE, which is working to involve them across all its workstreams and in all its events. “Churches Together in England is passionate about inspiring young adults to become the next generation of ecumenists in their churches, and empowering them to play an active part in CTE. We hope that young people from across our wide range of member churches will seize this opportunity to expand their experience of being Christians together in today’s challenging world,” said the Chair of CTE’s Trustees, Rowena Loverance.

Applications for The Bill Snelson Young Ecumenists Fund need to be submitted by 31 October 2023. The fund will then open for the next round of applications in early 2024. Across these two rounds, there is approximately £6,000 available. There are no minimum or maximum amounts for which one can apply. However, the decision-making panel are keen to fund as wide a range of opportunities as possible with the budget available to them.

Key application criteria

  • Applicants should be affiliated with a CTE national Member Church
  • Applicants should be between the ages of 18 and 35 at the time of their ecumenical experience

Visit The Bill Snelson Fund for Young Ecumenists microsite.


Download the guide to The Bill Snelson Fund for Young Ecumenists.

Please share this news with your networks.


Kind regards,

Lorraine Shannon
Operations Manager 

Churches Together in England  

Main office: 020 7529 8131  Mobile: 07342 997394
Web: cte.org.uk  27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH 

To all County and National Ecumenical Officers/contact people and CTE staff


The Revd Tim Norwood has been appointed National Officer for Local Ecumenism for the Church of England.


In this role Tim will advise on local ecumenical arrangements in which the Church of England is involved, including local ecumenical partnerships (LEPs), liaison with partner churches, and cooperation with local, regional and national ecumenical bodies such as Churches Together in England.  He will work closely with the Revd Canon Dr Jeremy Morris, National Ecumenical Adviser for the Church of England, who said of Tim’s appointment that “this appointment is a tremendous opportunity for the national Church to encourage and inspire the plethora of local ecumenical activity in which we are involved”.


Tim has been Area Dean of Milton Keynes, a post which he has held for sixteen years, and in which he helped to develop with CTE the constitution under which churches there associate ecumenically.  He has also been co-chair of the UK Council for Citizens UK, and has been a member of General Synod.


The Revd Canon Dr Malcolm Brown, Director of Faith and Public Life, said, “It is a great pleasure to welcome Tim into the Faith and Public Life Team. His experience of ecumenical relations in the UK will be invaluable across all the staff portfolios in the team and it is good that the ecumenical work of the Church of England will benefit from the energy and insight he brings”.


Tim started his new role on 1 May and can be contacted via email: tim.norwood@churchofengland.org and Tel number: 020 7898 1483


Kind regards,



Lorraine Shannon

Operations Manager
Churches Together in England
27 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9HH
Tel:   020 7529 8131 / 07342 997394

Website:  www.cte.org.uk

To CTE Member Churches, members of CTE's Enabling Group, County and National Ecumenical Officers and contact people

Colin Bloom's Independent Faith Engagement Review


Dear all,


As you may be aware, Colin Bloom’s Independent Faith Engagement Review: ‘Does government do God?’ has been published today. You can find a link to the review here, and the press notice issued by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities here.


The review considers government’s engagement with faith, people of faith and places of worship across a broad range of themes including faith literacy across public services, faith in education, prisons and the probation service, the UK Armed Forces, faith-based extremism, financial and social exploitation, and forced marriage.


More than 21,000 people responded to the public consultation and today Colin Bloom has set 22 recommendations for government to consider. The key messages are that faith is an ‘overriding force for good’ and government needs to improve its engagement with these groups, and that a better understanding of faith will help government tackle systematic issues including forced marriages, child safeguarding and extremism.


It is important to note that this review is independent and does not represent UK government policy. Government will consider the findings and will respond in due course.


Please do communicate this more widely to your networks.


Kind regards,



Lorraine Shannon

Operations Manager
Churches Together in England
27 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9HH
Tel:   020 7529 8131 / 07342 997394

Appointment of Principal Officer for Ecumenical Development and Relations June 2022

Latest Newsletter March 2023

Latest Press Statements

New General Secretary Appointed

Two New Presidents Appointed

New CTE Presidents Sign Covenant  as they take up Office

Message From Churches Together in England
To all County and National Ecumenical Officers and contact people:

Letter renewing call to Persevere in Prayer for the NHS, from the Baptist Union (pdf)

Let’s keep on praying,
because prayer makes a difference.”

Join hundreds of Christians
praying #PrayersOfHope
 each Sunday at 7.00 pm.


Coronavirus web hub

You can find a a full range of guidance, resources and stories in CTE's Coronavirus web hub.

Websites:  www.cte.org.uk                     www.rejesus.co.uk